Plastic Bottle Separation Project Launched in Meadows of Irwin Community


February 14, 2021

Deputy Mayor of Montego Bay, Councillor Richard Vernon (left), along with Regional Operations Manager, Western Parks and Market (WPM) Waste Management Limited, Garnet Edmondson show off one of 12 drums, placed in the Meadows of Irwin Community in St. James, as part of a pilot plastic bottle separation project launched in the community on Friday (February 12).

The Western Parks and Market (WPM) Waste Management Limited on Friday (February 12) launched a pilot plastic bottle separation project in the Meadows of Irwin Community in St. James.

The project aims to reduce the high volume of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles deposited at the Retirement disposal site in the parish and to promote the separation of plastic bottles from organic waste at the source.

The project was launched under the theme: “For the Love of the Environment.”

As part of the initiative, representatives of the WPM armed with pamphlets, conducted a sensitization blitz in the community, to educate residents about the procedure for separation, as well as the importance of initiative.

In addition, 12 drums designated for plastic bottle collection have been placed across the community, while bags were distributed to residents for storage of the containers.

The WPM has partnered with the Meadows of Irwin Citizens Association Limited and Recycling partners of Jamaica on the project.

WPM’s Regional Operations Manager, Garnet Edmondson, in an interview with JIS News, said the community engagement targeted some 300 residents who were encouraged to play their part in ensuring the success of the project.

He noted that the initiative forms part of the National Solid Waste Management Authority’s commitment to promoting respect for the environment.

“Plastics can be useful, but can become very harmful. So for longevity in terms of life, we have to realize the harmful nature of these plastics when they are [not] disposed of properly,” Mr. Edmondson stated.


He said data from the pilot will be used to guide the implementation of the programme in larger communities across the parish.


“To do this pilot, we have to start with a small working group to make sure that we develop and build on it, so that when we go into a much larger community like Cornwall Courts, we would understand the dynamics of what we are doing,” Mr. Edmondson stated.

For her part, Operations Director at the NSWMA, Aretha McFarlane stated that the Authority will continue the push to build and support awareness of the need to recycle.

“A lot of garbage can be harmful to the environment and as such today we are focusing on the plastics. It is important that we separate at source; that way it is much easier for us to handle the waste and take care of it accordingly. This initiative is not just in Montego Bay, we also have a pilot in Kingston,” she said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor of Montego Bay, Richard Vernon, welcomed the project, noting that it will contribute to a healthier environment.

“I believe it is a good initiative and I believe it will save us money and it will save our environment. If you love the environment, you should ensure that you protect it and this is one way you can protect it. Ensure that you separate your garbage,” he said.

President of the Meadows of Irwin Citizen’s Association Limited, Janique Harris commended the NSWMA for selecting the community for the pilot, stating that residents are committed to its success.

“We were approached by the NSWMA and we were quite excited because we do understand that there has been significant degrading of the environment and a lot of pollution and we really want to play our part in this,” she said.

Source: JIS

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